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Il existe un site Web, qui explore le monde du symbole, j’y ai fait des découvertes intéressantes. Entre autres, j’ai trouvé le symbole du pentacle dans un cercle qui explique la relation de ce signe avec la planète Vénus. Je n’aurais jamais pensé non plus faire le lien entre pentacle, étoile à 5 branches et un culte de féminité. Pourtant, on retrouve souvent le symbole de l’étoile à 5 branches comme représentant l’étoile du matin, l’étoile du soir, donc, de ce fait, la planète Vénus. La déesse Aphrodite des grecs ou
Il est possible de faire une recherche directement sur le site contient plus de 1600 articles concernant 2500 signes occidentaux, disposés dans 54 groupes selon leurs caractéristiques graphiques.
Le site est en anglais, il nous permet d’explorer ce monde des symboles par trois moyens :
Un index graphique pour rechercher la signification ou l'histoire d'un signe.
Un index de Word pour trouver un signe avec une certaine signification.
Un signe aléatoire pour partir à l’aventure.
Livre: Symbols -- Encyclopedia of Western Signs and Ideograms
par Carl G. Liungman
Il y a aussi la possibilité, sur ce site, d’acheter le livre de 644 pages qui comprend le contenu du site, 100 pages additionnelles, une biographie annotée, et autre.
Exemple de recherche: Le pentacle dans le cercle, un extrait…
29:14 · This ideogram nowadays represents the Wiccan religion. For Wiccan believers the five points of the star sign in the circle represent spririt, earth, air, fire and water, or love, wisdom, knowledge, law and power. A version of this sign with the fivepointed star filled and with a small circle in its center, , has been used on tanks and fighter planes in the USA as a war sign.
This sign can be called a construction-iconic symbol for the planet Venus. This planet is the only one in our system that can clearly be identified with a simple graphic structure unambiguously derived from a plotting of its astronomical movements in space. As the orbit of , Venus, is closer to the sun than is the earth's, it is never seen more than 48 degrees from
. This means that
is visible as the Morning star or Evening star in the immediate vicinity of
. Thus Venus can only be seen from earth just before sunrise in the morning or just after sunset in the evening. During a period of 247 days
is visible as the Evening star. Then Venus comes too close to the sun to be visible from earth. Venus remains invisible for 14 days, to reappear as the Morning star, Phosphoros, Lucifer, the Bringer of Light, the Eastern star,
, immediately before the sun rises in the east. For 245 days we can see
each morning at dawn before it again disappears into the sun's light by getting too close to the sun. The planet is now invisible for 78 days. On the 79th evening it appears once again in the west immediately after the setting of
. Venus is now the Evening star, Hesperos, Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, fertility, sex, and peace.
If one knows the ecliptic (see in Group 38) and can pinpoint the present position of the planets in relation to the constellations of fixed stars in the zodiac (see
in Group 35), it is possible to mark the exact place in the 360 degrees of the zodiac where the Morning star first appears shortly before sunrise after a period of invisibility. If we do this, wait for the Morning star to appear again 584 days later (the synodic orbital time of
) mark its position in the zodiac, and then repeat this process until we note
back on point one again (six notations on five different positions in the zodiac) as the Morning star, we will find that exactly eight years have passed. If we then draw a line from the first point marked to the second point marked, then to the third, and so on, we end up with a regular pentacle or pentagram.
… Lire la suite pour d’autres explications de la relation entre le symbole du pentacle et la planète Vénus ainsi que l’explication de l’évolution des symboles qui en découlent à travers les siècles.
Une recherche de ce symbole dans le groupe 29 donne les résultats suivants :
9:15, 19:5, 20:5, 24:62, 25:20, 26:31, 26:44, 26:45, 27:21, 27:28, 28:22, 28:24, 28:28, 29:9, 29:14, 30:24, 30:58, 32:3, 38:2, 41a:7, 42:19, 44:12 |
N.B. : lire chaque article pour voir le lien entre les symboles du même groupe.
Et on peut continuer dans d’autres groupes.